Synthesis Interactive is a website for developers, designers and online marketing professionals that want to join forces and expertise and work together on web design so that everybody only does what they do best, leaving the rest to other professionals.
We first started working on this website as a copywriting project and sitemap development. But after some unexpected turns, we ended up doing the full design of the website, and logo design.
The need was to get the site up and running within 2 days, so it was intensive work. The text and sitemap were already done, but the actual web development and design of the look and feel of the website, and designing the logo, was expressly done over just two days.
Synthesis Interactive, in the first two weeks of existence, reached a Google Page Rank of 3, and Alexa rank of 6.7M. Within 24 hours after launch, the site had over 1000 pageviews even though we were still tweaking things.
The requirements for the website were a good, clean and functional design, solid web text, and additional usability elements such as contact form, social sharing buttons, secure commenting system etc.
The site also needed to be easily recognizable by Google and other search engines, so that it can rank fast and high for actionable keywords. Once on the site, the site needed to provide an easy, unobtrusive User Experience where the focus was on what member-companies offered, instead of flooding visitors with heavy graphics distractions.
In just two days of direct work on the site, we managed to meet the Functionality and Usability requirements. Visitors on average spend over 3 minutes on the site, and the average Pages per Visit is close to 4. This means that on average, visitors spend about a minute on each page, meaning they do go through the entire text. This is a great indicator of a very admirable User Experience, solid and engaging site structure, and reader-friendly web text.