About WMF Blog
WebMaxFormance is a full-service online marketing agency dedicated to provide cost-effective digital marketing consulting, services and solutions for top-level business leaders.
22 Ways To Spot SEO Scammers: Tips And Tricks To Save Your Ranking From SEO Wannabes
Discover our top 22 ways to spot SEO scammers and find a legitimate SEO agency that will save your ranking from SEO wannabes.
Personal Fitness Trainer Website Review: How Visitors Glance Through Websites Before Leaving It For Good
Dear client: Your site seems a bit on the chubby side. See how you can tweak your website and get more personal fitness training clients quickly.
Starting Off With Your First Sales Funnel: How To Make The Math Work
Starting a sales funnel? Get a clear grasp of the main building blocks and how paid ads work into your profitability equation.
Domain Migration For SEO Purposes: Why And How To Do It Properly?
Domain migration may be the smartest SEO move you can do. But how domain migration is done will make or break your business.
Landing Page Optimization Advice: Make Every Pixel Count!
See how a landing page optimization review looks like, and what points you need to consider when you build your landing page.
Real Estate SEO: Showing My Offers To The Right Local Audience
Doing Real Estate SEO the right way will get you to lower PPC spending and better lead generation. Find out more and improve your ranking and lead generation.
Mind Found Misleading Owners: Copywriting Hacks To Look For In Your Sales Copy And Sales Pages
How to tell if your sales copy is working? See mind hacks your sales page needs in order to make a lot of sales. If not… change your copywriter. Fast!
Golfing Site Negative SEO Attack: A 2 Million Backlinks Portfolio Analysis And Cleanup
Loss of negative SEO on Google can be a killer. We discovered why a 12 years old site with 2 Million backlinks dropped in ranking.
Cleaning Up Hacked WordPress Websites And Securing Them With Needed Plugins
Cleaning up hacked Wordpress websites is not a click-and-finish deal. It’s a task for a professional. We’ve handled mammoth tasks and set things right.
Outsourced To Us: Building A Custom-Coded Membership Website Codeigniter/PHP/HTML/CSS
Custom-coded website service using Codeigniter for the Canadian, British and Columbian market with using Agile Development Methodology.
Outsourced To Us: Building A Gold Trading Website, Sales Funnel Design, Integrating With ClickBank
Building a Wordpress website and integrating with Clickbank for financial consultants in EU. Read and see how we have done it.
BespokeHomeDesign: Building A WordPress Membership Website For Home Improvement Enthusiasts
Building a wordpress-based website for home improvement enthusiasts for the London area. Thorough job, great communication, excellent support.
GetKombucha.com: Homepage Redesign, WooCommerce Custom Coding, Facebook Tracking Pixels
Building a Wordpress custom theme development by using WooCommerce plugin customization and custom sales funnels development.
Outsourced To Us: Building A High-Ticket Drupal Website Network For A High-Ticket Client
Creating a website for a client using Drupal web development. Use of the SCRUM method and outsourcing Drupal web development projects.
AnneySmith.com: Homepage Redesign And Consulting
Homepage re-design services for a Wordpress website. Several emails & conversations, fast turnaround, and one very happy client. Anney is great.
Sales Letter Copywriting, Design And Heatmap Analysis Service
Copywriting, design, heatmap tracking & optimization of a DVD digital product sales page tied to Infusionsoft, targeting high-ticket financial market.
Outsourced To Us: HTML/CSS/JavaScript Template Redesign
Redesign a HTML/CSS/JS static website template. Outsourcing web design services for a US marketing agency. Discretion guaranteed.
MLC: Design, Development, Security Setup, Page Speed Optimization, Consulting
Homepage design, Aweber email marketing integration, Securing WP sites, and SEO/Marketing consulting services for Coaching businesses.
2015 Predictions: A Response To Digital Marketer’s List
2015 prediction: If you want to grow your business, get an agency to do your marketing or use a smart Social SEO Automation tool like Populizr.
Taking Kit-Car Websites To F1 & Nascar Races: You Better Think Things Over
97% of online websites have a poor online presence. From the other 3%, only 0.2% have a fighting ranking chance. See what it takes to beat the numbers & win.
Is PageRank (PR) Of Any Importance For Us At The End Of 2014
Pagerank has changed over the years. Google sees backlinks differently. So how do all the updates affect PR, and should you even care about PR nowadays?
Napkin Content Marketing Plan For Getting Your Blog Started
Using your website to generate business is a great idea. But before you start working, make sure you cover the content, so you maximize your efficiency.
How Your Payment Processor Is Preventing You To Make Up To 300% More Money
Wonder how much money you lose with your current payment processor? You may be losing over 300% of what you could be making with the same number of clients.
Concerned About SEO? Website Load Speed Will Improve Your Ranking
Raise the load speed of your site, so you can double the Google ranking. See how a few hours of optimization work did a 300% increase in site load speed.
How Online Marketing Will Get Me A Steady Flow Of New Clients?
Trying to figure out Content Marketing & how it can help to grow your business? Find out what SEO is, what is Social and how Email plays into the equation.
Online Marketing For Local Business: DIY, Cheap-o, Or Agency Route?
You have Online Marketing needs but don’t know what to do: DIY or use agency services? See the pros and cons for local business SEO needs.
Obstacles Or Opportunities: Government Thought-Leadership As Growth Catalyst
Can Government intervention help startups without direct investments? What is the role of thought-leadership in jumpstarting the economy? Read on.
Title Tag And Meta Description: What They Do, And How To Maximize Their SEO Effectiveness?
Title tags, Meta description, what is it and why you should care? See their role for SEO, sales, and what makes good Title tags and Meta descriptions.
Setting Up WP In Sub-Folder That Points To Root On Hostgator Account
How to install a WordPress site in a subfolder but keep the domain name clear on a Hostgator account. A 3-step tutorial that takes less than 3 minutes.
Website Makeover: Design, Development, Mobile-Friendly, SEO, Social Integration
Check out how one site gets a website makeover into a beautiful, user friendly, social and SEO-optimized website. Get your site a makeover too!